Sinatrader develop international relationship to sell the following products: We represent the manufactures: 1. MARILAN Biscuits Cracker, wafer. 2. RAFARILLO Genuine Leather Men´s Shoes 3. INTERPRETE and Translater. We offer Trader Consultancy Interprete for foreign companies to work on Booth of brazilian Exhibitions and meetings. ------------------
4. Machinery for Paving roads, avenues. Single drum vibratory rollers, combi rollers, pneumatic, tamping compactors.
It follows some of good options for Goods Distribuition in the brazilian territory. An strategic new sistem were created, among 8 Special Terminal, called EADIS and Brazilian Official Courier. The benefits were several; Goods were keeped on Bonded Warehouse, low custs, nationalization only after the product been sold on Internet, possibility to delievery of one unit.
We are looking for International
buyer to make make Joint Venture and invest on operations of
Brazilian Foreign Trade Business.
This site has the intention to create Business Opportunity, partner cooperation on: WORKING ON SHIPPING LOGISTIC PROJECTS, CARGOS TO/FROM BRASI, TRUCK, AIR & SEAR. Brazilian Export, Import, logistic operation, shipping brokerage, customer clearance, investment, brazilian economic analysis and business prospection, Sao Paulo assistance and International Trading are our main activity. $$$
We are pleased to comunicate our new partner with the traditional brazilian food, and food stuff manufacture. 150 itnes is available to trade. The plant produces, Biscuits Cracker salt, wafer.
Sinatrader possui contratos com fornecedores chineses dos seguintes produtos: 1. Maquinas Convetedora Tissue paper. 2. Auto peças, catracas, lonas freio 3. Electric Power Generation EPC contracts 4. Maquina Industrial Produção Sorvetes 5. Maquinas Ferramentas, Martelo Demolidor, Marteletes, Maq Solda. 6. SIDERURGICOS Tubos e Chapas, vários fornecedores 7. Produtos Quimicos, ingredientes. Faça download da lista de produtos SOMOS CORRETORES DE IMÓVEIS NO MERCADO NACIONAL, APARTAMENTOS E QUARTOS DE HOTEIS DE ALTO PADRAO Os melhores Imóveis em Sao Paulo e Região. Trader in Company, compreende atuação dentro da compania, potencial exportador. Trabalhando efetivamente em ações de Marketing Internacional, Viagens, Prospcção de Mercados, Adquação de empresas, Controle Operacional. Constituição de Depto. Preparar a empresa. Efetuar o registro de exportador na Secretaria de Comércio Exterior do Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MIDC) ou na Delegacia da Receita Federal mais próxima, Radar, Siscomex. 2º
passo Duvidas Sobre Consórcios de Exportação
2014 - Anderson Sina Fitop´s Representative meeting in China
Sinatrader.com.br - Address Rua Celina, 285, casa1, CEP 03646-060, Sao Paulo, SP - BRAZIL. Emails: sina@sinatrader.com, tradersina@ig.com.br, Phones: +55 11 982901303-